In my post about purchasing the Asus Eee PC, I mentioned that size mattered a lot, so it could easily fit into any bag, because I hated the common laptop bag.

Now there are more and more bag brands coming out with funky, laptop bags. So funky, they look like real bags that fit laptops.

This one above is a Zaum, from their Portabile line. I want it now! Their bags range from $60 to $200. Most of their bags have a vinyl exterior and a matching padded cloth interior. Very limited and one of a kind, so act fast. Visit http://zaumlab.com/ to purchase.

How about designing your own bag? M. Avery Designs (founded by designer Megan Avery) specialises in custom bags. As it says on their site: choose the bag, choose the fabric, choose the extras ... and in 2 weeks, it's yours. And if 2 weeks is too long to wait, they also have a "ready-made" section with some very funky fabrics. Fabric shown here is called Brora.

And then there's Pac Safe, which claims to be tamper, slash and snatch proof. It has exomesh, a patented material that lies beneath the bags farbric surface, adding extra protection from blades, knives and cutters. Pac Safe's anti-theft features can be viewed here.

And then there are also the solar powered laptop bags, which charges not only your laptop, but also your other devices such as your celphone, iPod, PDA, etc.

Voltaic Systems just came out with a 14 watt powered solar laptop, which also includes a built in lithium ion battery (which charges too via solar or outlet power), and different adaptors for your other devices. It retails at $599. That grid you see here is the actual solar panel.

Even though there have been a few solar laptop bags already out, the Voltaic Systems bag is the best one to date. One of the few which came out last year was by Picard, which I think looks a lot better than Voltaic's, and is a lot more pricey, retailing at $700. And ones by Noon Solar, which also has more girly ones, clutches and handbags, retails from $200 to $400.But of course with a laptop as small as my Asus, most of these bag brands don't make bags for micro notebooks. But at least, I can still put some of my stuff in with these bags.

For more funky laptops, go to Squidoo.

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